Cardiotonic BP (Sign Chemo is working)
Cardio Tonic-BP™ combines cardio-specific botanicals with key nutritional agents to maintain healthy heart function and healthy blood pressure already in a normal range. Hawthorn, arjuna, and olive leaf supply essential flavonoids, glycosides and phenolic compounds to nourish, strengthen and protect the heart, while L-carnitine and magnesium support cellular energy production through increased mitochondrial efficiency. MegaNatural®-BP, the patented grape seed extract in Cardio Tonic-BP™, works synergistically with the other ingredients to support the body’s ability to regulate arterial, capillary and venous blood flow.
- maintains healthy blood pressure already in the normal range*
- strengthens heart muscle function*
- promotes cardiovascular health*
- modulates cardio-related inflammatory response*
L-CitrullineL-citrulline is the natural precursor to L-arginine, the amino acid essential for nitric oxide production. Since nitric oxide is a compound that relaxes blood vessels, this helps enhance healthy blood flow.
Hawthorn Leaf and FlowerTraditional Eclectic and Western European herbal medicine considers Hawthorn the most valuable tonic herb for maintaining a healthy heart. Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries contain a variety of bioflavonoid-like complexes that are responsible for the cardiac actions of the plant.
ArjunaAyurvedic physicians use Arjuna to support cardiovascular health. The powdered tree bark of Terminalia arjuna possesses glycosides which act as a cardio-tonic and flavonoids which exert antioxidant activity and address lipid health.
MegaNatural®-BPMegaNatural®-BP grape seed extract (GSE) is shown to support healthy blood pressure levels already in a normal range. It exhibits antioxidant activity and the ability to support healthy LDL cholesterol oxidation.
MagnesiumMagnesium is essential for muscle and nerve function. It keeps heart rhythm steady and helps to improve lipid profiles. Magnesium also plays an important role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels already in a normal range.
Carnipure® L-CarnitineL-carnitine helps strengthen heart muscle and helps maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels already in a normal range. The heart obtains 70% of its energy from the breakdown of fat within its cells and L-carnitine is needed for this process.